Under the Guidance of HaGaon Rabbi Yitzchok Berkovits, shlit"a
New Cohort Begins in January
How Talmidim (from Beginner to Advanced) Not Only Discover How to Understand Gemara with Crystal Clarity, But Also End Up Knowing and Internalizing It As Well

Pathway I - Foundations

for less experienced learners

  • Raise your Gemara vocabulary to a high level 
  • ​Master the flow
  • ​Gain a full picture of a complete sugya
  • ​Experience crystal clarity in your learning
  • ​Based on 'LFLS Method' (TM)
  • Do it at a pace that works for you with full support
  • ​ Become an experienced learner

Pathway II - Transformation

for experienced learners

  • ​​Master each mesechta from cover to cover at a solid pshat level
  • ​​Gain crystal clarity of each sugya and its maskana
  • ​Experience the joy of remembering what you learned
  • ​Based on 'URVR Method' (TM)
  • ​Do it at a pace that works for you with full support
  • ​Set yourself on a journey to become a Talmid chacham
  • Online video shiurim by Rabbi Dovid Raskas, shlit"a
  • Ask any questions by email or phone
  • ​Join Bnei Torah from around the world
  • ​Online discussion group for pilpul chaveirim
  • ​Gain satisfaction of knowing the mesechta from cover to cover
  • ​Optional self-assessments
  • ​​Learn on a desktop or on a mobile (while on the go)
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What the Talmidim are Saying

Mr. Josh Kaplan
South Africa

How did you first meet Rabbi Raskas?
I first met him as a talmid in his shiur in the Yeshiva. Already then I was taken by his clarity and the way he explains things, as well as his vast knowledge of Shas. It made an incredible impression on me. 

I just remember being absolutely amazed  by his shiur. When you come out, you know the whole amud that you've done and you've just got this clarity. He takes you through the whole amud and you know it, you feel it. He takes you through Rashi, and you know Rashi. Afterwards, you can recite it back because he gave it over with such clarity, such knowledge and insight, and also passion and enjoyment.

Now that you are back home in South Africa and learning from this online program instead, how is it different?
It's creating a digital-based beis medrash for yourself. While studying in a university, I was tied down to a schedule and also now that I am working my time is limited. That's why I found this program so beneficial. I can take a  mesechta such as Taanis and learn it through the program. It keeps me accountable in my learning with Rabbi Raskas as the Rebbi. 

I take on a project and lear it either as a night seder on my own time, or I can find 20 minutes here, 30 minutes there. One can be learning b'chavrusah, but when you've got a Rebbi, it's a different type of learning. For me, I found it incredible getting back into Rabbi Raskas's mind, his style of teaching, like I said, and I want to emphasize it, his incredible clarity.

For me, if I have already learnt the sugya I use the program to complement what I've already done. If I am trying to complete a mesechta, then I listen to the shiur with my Gemara, taking notes, stopping, pausing, trying to learn it as much as possible. Imagine having a shiur where you can pause the Rebbi and take a couple of notes. In a shiur when there's a packed shiur hall, sometimes the questions can throw me off, distract me, or I can sometimes lose focus or lose track. With this, I like the fact that I go at my own speed, I can pause it, take key notes, write down the questions, and summaries. I find it enjoyable and effective.

Whom is this program for?
I think that it is incredible for anyone on any level. If you're trying to own a mesechta, to learn a mesechta with that extra bit of clarity, I would definitely recommend it. It is empowering, especially for people that are on the go or are struggling to make a shiur at shul or as a part of the community. You can do it at home or on the go. The accessibility of it is incredible.

How's this different from Daf Yomi?
Look, I think Daf Yomi is a mindset of its own, you have that 'yomi obligation'. Sometimes it becomes a checkbox, getting your day done. Here you have this personal connection - you're learning with a Rebbi that you have a relationship with. That makes it so much more engaging and personal. The goal isn't just to get through it. You can see from the way that Rabbi Raskas explains it, the way that he's taking you through the sugya that he is also trying to give you tools and to empower you in your learning.

He's teaching you [sugyas] so you can understand and remember them. You get that muscle memory of Shas, which I think is very rare in a shiur that you're trying to just get through. If you participate, if you take it seriously and you pay attention the whole time, hopefully you will coming out being able to learn the amud and review it on your own. That's my experience.

Mr. Gabe Weitz
Digital Marketer
Los Angeles, CA

What has your experience been like with Rabbi Raskas's online shiurim?
I love listening to Raskas explain the Gemara so clearly. And I really like that after every shiur he recaps what we've learned. So it's not just go, go, go. It's like, hold on, this is what we learned. Take it in stride. I've always enjoyed the organization of his shiurim.

What do you like the most about the program?
I like the idea that I can pause the shiur anytime. I can rewind. When you are live-action and learning in Yeshiva or with a chavrusa, you have to interrupt the shiur and say, "Oh, can we read that again?" And such. But online I essentially have complete control over the speed and the rate at which I'm learning. If I need a word, if I need to go back, I can go back easily and not have to bug anyone or disrupt the rest of the shiur. It's a very easy way to be independent while still feeling like I'm learning straight from the Rebbi.

And so what would you say would be three other benefits?
Being able to learn on my own time. To know that the the entirety of the tractate is available. I appreciate that there's a good amount of selection so far and growing. And the quality of the learning - it's not just accessible like Daf Yomi, but it's also... there's, Rabbi Raskas, It's quality content. It's like he really goes into it. He'll even bring background information and explain. And it's not just reading the words and go, go, go. It's methodical but efficient.

Would you recommend it and why?
I would recommend it any time, all the time to anyone from beginner to advanced because it's so accessible. It's so easy to understand. One should probably know what they're looking at when opening up a Gamara. But even so, you don't necessarily need that because the Rabbi goes through the text word by word, and it's clear, not too fast, and it's explained well. But again, I'd say it's for both beginner and advanced. Absolutely, I'd recommend it.

Anything else you'd like to add?
I'm a big fan of Rabbi Raskas.  I think what he's doing is great and it's important. And I think it is also unique and cutting edge in a way. We don't have too many websites like this. I mean, yes, there's plenty of online resources for Gemara learning and whatnot, but I think this one is different in a in a great way. It feels warmer. I'm looking at the Rabbi, he's learning with me. If I don't have a chavrusah, I have a digital one. It's something that's unique and special and makes me feel like I'm with the Rabbi and not just listening to someone's recording.

I'm going to say that it's dynamic and it flows well. It is engaging and dynamic for sure. And that's an important factor. Rabbi Raskas is a professional, he's Geshmak, and he's a Talmid Chacham. It's amazing to have him as a resource any time I need.
Dr. Benny Ganjian, DO
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Syracuse, NY
What was your first use of the program?
I made a siyum on meseches Makkos last year.

What is one thing that you like the most about the program?
I think Rabbi Raskas spends the right amount of time on the right things. Topics that are easier  he can just go through, but ones that are more difficult and need explanation, he'll explain. In other shiurim, I found that they would just spend the same amount of time, whether the subject was easier or harder.

What are other parts of the program that you like?
One is that you can go at your own pace. You're not limited to a quota per day like Daf Yomi where you've got to do the Daf every day or else you're going to fall behind. This program  works with a person who needst flexibility but has the internal discipline to keep up with it. 

Another plus of the program for me is the language. Rabbi Raskas translates well. He gives examples based on our times. The video is clear, the audio is clear. I think this is probably what a Gemara shiur should be like. If someone wants do do an online service, he's the one to do it.

Another plus. is that he's available for questions. It makes things more personal. I think that's huge.

When do you learn the material or how do you schedule your learning?
On months that were too busy for me [in my hospital work], I knew I couldn't do it. The  months that I knew I could handle it, my goal was four amudim a week. I also built in my own Hazara program.

 Listening to Rabbi Raskas's shiur is one pass, doing my own is the second pass, doing the third pass on the shiur I learned the day before, before doing the next shiur, the next day, and then Shabbat doing it again. I would make sure to go through four or five times.

Would you recommend this program to others?
Yes, certainly. I'd highly recommend it. For people  who are working, or aren't able to go to Yeshiva, or don't have a Yeshivish background and want to keep up with learning, I think this is the best thing out there, to be honest. Its like a shiur from a Yeshiva while you are in the comfort of your own home.

Anything else you'd like to add?
This is exactly what I was looking for. It definitely needs to be spread. I have been sharing it with the guys I was in Yeshiva with and the other guys who I thought could benefit from it.
Rabbi Dovid Raskas is originally from Baltimore, Maryland. Growing up he always dreamt of teaching Torah. However, he certainly did not imagine that one day he'll become someone who will be spreading Torah to hundreds of talmidim from many countries around the world. It was not an easy path to get there as it took many years of intensive learning, so it feels very gratifying when his talmidim tell him that he has a unique talent of making Gemara crystal clear to anyone from a beginner to an advanced learner.

As a bachur he learned in Ner Yisroel Yeshiva in Baltimore. There he began building his foundations in learning from from world-class educators such as Rav Yosef Tender, z"l and Rav Yaakov Kulefsky, z"l. After High School he  attended Mir Yeshiva in Yerushalayim where he learned under the legendary Maggid Shiur Hagon Rav Asher Arieli, shlit"a. After getting married, he settled in Yerushalayim and continued learning in the Mir Kollel for another fourteen years.

In 2007 he was invited to serve as a Rebbe in the Center program of Yeshivas Ohr Sameach in Yerushalayim where he has been giving shiurim ever since.

In 2012 Rabbi Raskas started the Machon Daniel branch of Kollel Ballei Batim of Sharei Chessed where he has been giving Iyun Shiurim daily to English speaking Balei Batim. The kollel is not only a thriving place with new participants joining all the time but it even has talmidim calling in from abroad to join the live shiurim.

Seeing the impact he's been making on talmidim of all ages and backgrounds, Rabbi Raskas decided to take his teaching to the next level. He created a program that makes learning Gemara accessible to talmidim of all learning backgrounds. Those who never attended a yeshiva can get a foundation in textual skills. Others with  stronger learning backgrounds can successfully master an entire mesechta.

To this end, Rabbi Raskas started this progrogram - Bficha Uvlevovcha - to enable talmidim become confident in their learning of Gemara, master mesechtos, and internalize what they learned.

The name of the program derives from the pasuk in Dvarim: "Learning Torah is not hidden from you and not far away, for it is very close to you, it is in your mouth and in your heart ("b'ficha uvlevovcha") to do it."

Rabbi Raskas' goal is to enable every Ben Torah who is motivated to learn Gemara to grow higher and higher in their learning.
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